Fake Book Download 6.4

This component/theme works with latest OSSN version.
gb Anachist Only 7 years ago

Fake book theme responsive

enter image description here

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enter image description here

version 6.0 (updated by $arsalan)

  • Updated for OSSN 6.0
  • Added Bootstrap 5
  • Added fontawesome 5

version 3.4

  • fixed issue with likes

version 3.2

  • Issue with pagination is cleared
  • works with v5.2

version 3.1

  • fixed the issue with site name
  • fixed the login screen issue on mobile device.
  • it works with ossn 4.6
Dutch Anton Paradise Replied 1 year ago

I only use this theme because it's up-to-date and works excellently. good work Dev ;))
Got to keep Bootstrap v5.2.3 CSS and JavaScript up to date, you do that and keep the components up to date and it will all work well.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

Change theme css look for default.php in your theme css folder

us Matthew glenn Replied 1 year ago

Pff I forgot all about that was cleaning out web browser thanks for that @Arsalan shah can you tell me the path of the file to change the color from Blue to say red......

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 1 year ago

@Matthew flush cache from administrator panel.

us Matthew glenn Replied 1 year ago

hmm i found it but after changing it it does not change on the website is there another file maybe

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 1 year ago

Take a look in locale/ossn.[LANGUAGE_CODE].php files to change it.

us Matthew glenn Replied 1 year ago

how would i go about editing the words Join now to make new friends, create groups, add photos, and much more. on the login screen i have tried to find the file to edit but not finding the area

Dutch Anton Paradise Replied 2 years ago

This is the best theme because people understand it and are used to how it works. I think its a great theme and I am using it ;) keep this one updated my friend great job!

Dutch Anton Paradise Replied 2 years ago

I must admit I have started using this theme and it is the best because it has the latest Bootstrap 5 and you can't beat that ;)

gb TalkToAi Online Replied 2 years ago

Anyone who wants to change colours, just use the custom css js component and edit front-end js css bits to any colour you want!


Developer: Anachist
License GPL v2
Type: Themes
Requires Ossn Version : 6.0
Latest Version: 6.4
Last Updated 5 months ago
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