How to make wallpics clickable and show the comment box at the right side of the image itself

Abayomi Oladipupo Posted in General Discussion 8 years ago

My question here is,
How do I make the image on wall post ( wallpic) to be clickable!
and when it does, the image can either be saved to users OS or can be downloaded, and at the same time, when it open, user can either comment, like, or tag their friends to that picture

Any suggestions will be appreciated

Thank you.

ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 8 years ago

Hello Arsalan, it does work only on wall pic updated with text, but it has no comment like or tag facility.
But what I think is that the Editting should work on all pics on each users wall, and it should contain a box with comment like and tagging

Please look into this
Thank you.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago


ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 8 years ago

On which components file am I going to work on please?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Sorry i forgot to mention that you have to change the line 59 of the file i mentioned to new code i posted in above comment.

ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 8 years ago

What should I do there?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Change following file line 59 to :

<a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url("post/photo/".$params["post"]->guid."/{$image}"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo ossn_site_url("post/photo/".$params["post"]->guid."/{$image}"); ?>"/></a>