Convert OSSN web to android / ios & so on

Saberi bin Pendi Posted in General Discussion 8 years ago

I have used to converted my social site to android / ios version. You can download my applications (Sarawak Legacy) :

GoNative :

Any idea better than this way?

us Anastasia Sinokhina Replied 3 years ago

Cool, I just started to study this topic, and did not think that I would stumble upon such an old thread, I read an article on the Cleveroad blog and thought that this is a new topic and did not convert before, especially I didn’t think that conversion applications were mentioned here, I in fact, I think they are not very good because I saw a lot of negative reviews, did you use them? can you tell me how they generally work?

Russian Mike mishkin Replied 4 years ago

There are more cheap solutions now, i see this topic is 4 years old, but I recently tried AppConvertly to convert website to mobile app. You can search in google for such online web to app converters. Maybe this info will help someone not to waste money on app development since you can just create it based on your website

us Rishi B Replied 5 years ago

I haven't used myself it looks like it's just creating a WebView control and then opening your url. This can be done with lots of mobile SDKs, another good one that supports cross-compilation is Corona SDK (

Arabic Lucas M Replied 5 years ago

Hi Saberi, you can also try with Convertify to convert website to mobile app. It converts to iOS or Android, and it also supports push notifications

au Geo Oos Replied 6 years ago

On Mobile adding the shortcut to home screen does not load icon? And url bar still loads? is there an easy way to add <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

To go fullscreen on app?

in Rahul Yogi Replied 8 years ago

facebook theme is not compatible on all devices in ossn ver 4.0

Burmese Saberi bin Pendi Replied 8 years ago

But..mostly of them (user) like to use android than browser.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Ossn v4 is compatible with mobile phones, you don't need to use app.