Have Twitter-Like Friends (Followers)?

Thomas Ortiz Posted in Beginning Developers 7 years ago


Im currently looking into OSSN and I'm wondering if I could use it to simulate Twitter where people follows who they want to get updates from but the person being followed doesn't necessarily have to follow back or accept their request.

ph Rally Homelancer Replied 7 years ago

Yeah it could be possible as a component. There would be an additional button beside the 'Add Friend' as 'Follow' or 'Following'.

When not currently following, the button says 'Follow'. When clicking on the 'Follow', it would say 'Following' which then allows you to follow only public posts of the user.

When clicking on the 'Following' button, it would toggle to 'Follow' and you would then unfollow that user.

The user you are following would see who are their 'followers' which would be another menu item on the profile menu between the 'Friends' and 'Photos' listed as 'Followers' which would have the list similar to the Friends list page.

us Thomas Ortiz Replied 7 years ago

Could it be possible through adding a component?

Slovak Ondrej Janicko Replied 7 years ago

No, it is not possible in OSSN.

OSSN is like Facebook not Twitter.