Display specific wall posts by tags or categories And display wall post of different types.

saqib saqib Posted in Component Development 6 years ago

Hi want to display specific wall posts that will match tags or categories, for example:

show wall posts that has tag or category for sports or specific sport like football, those wall posts can be posted by different users but should be about the same topic e.g. football.

And also I want to display different types of wall posts, for example:

show all wall posts that has video
or show all wall posts that has images
or show all wall posts that has text

I am thinking to make three pages that will show different types of wall posts of different category.

how can i do that ? first please explain me for tags and categories and then the type of wall post I can display. thanks.

us Rishi B Replied 6 years ago

you should take a look at how the HashTag component works. it doesn't do everything you want, but it does display all posts with whatever #hashtag you search for, which is pretty similar to what you want.