Daniel DeSouza Posted in Theme Development 5 years ago

Hi Support Team, On the front index page of the OSSN network there is a topbar with the name of your personal OSSN site, then we have our logo image on that same front index page, it's a bit redundant to have your logo/business name twice on the same front page, i would like to get rid of the entire topbar on the index page, how is this done?

German Holger A. Replied 5 years ago

Thank you, I also tried this and it works perfectly.

bb Daniel DeSouza Replied 5 years ago

Hi ~Z~Man, I just wanted to thank you for your information, It worked like a charm. Thanks!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

Hi Daniel,

you have to edit the file topbar.php of your theme in use.

Right in the beginning before <!-- ossn topbar --> add a condition like

    if(ossn_isLoggedin()) {     

And down at the bottom below &lt;!-- ./ ossn topbar --&gt; close the conditon like


This way, the topbar will be displayed only after having successfully logged in. (The complete code between the curly brackets will be ignored otherwise.)