Video Tool 5.1 not uploading need assistance.

Mark Lashmar Posted in Component Development 5 years ago

Hello Team!

Need assistance as the upgraded version is working excellent however I am struggling with the video upload tool which use to work excellent before the upgrade.

The server has the latest FFMEG tool installed.

The ffmeg status is detected by the software and is stored. The <IfModule modphp5.c>
value memorylimit 128M
value registerglobals 0
value postmaxsize 8388608
phpvalue uploadmaxfilesize 5242880
value default_charset "UTF-8"
is written in the . htaccess file.

But there is no status bar and nothing happens the upload times out after a period of time.
Have there been any changes however I must report previous videos that were uploaded before the upgrade do play on the timeline?
Any assistance would be appreciated thanks!

Zuang Mark Lashmar Replied 5 years ago

Hi Arsalan.

Can you tell me how to download the video5.1 component as I accidentally deleted it?


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

Make sure your ffmpeg is correct and is correctly configured i noticed some ffmpeg on centos, or similar os is giving errors.