Showing group, forum, events etc posts in ones flow?

Johannes Genberg Posted in Component Development 5 years ago


Is there a way to make group posts, and also events, forum posts and everything else show up in the flow? Otherwise, people forget they exist.

us Rishi B Replied 5 years ago

well... it would require a custom component. first you'd have to add hooks for each event that you want to capture, for example, forum:topic:reply. Then your component would have to run some code to display the details for the item in whatever way you want on the newsfeed. If the event doesn't already add a notification you'd have to make it do that also. there's no built in way to do this though - you'd have to write a custom component. there are a few people on this board who do custom (paid) components/mods for Ossn, including myself. you can feel free to contact me about this if you like (email in my profile).

se Johannes Genberg Replied 5 years ago

It's not really what I'm asking for. Unless you mean that such a system would add to wrong notifications.

I meant notifications in the top bar on the site.

se Johannes Genberg Replied 5 years ago

OK, then how about notifications that something has been written instead?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

Not sure what you mean in one flow but there is no easy way to handle precisely the forum, groups , in newsfeed page. Initially we did it in Ossn 1.x but removed it in later versions.