Solved issue with Dislike component

Helen Lubar Posted in General Discussion 5 years ago

Well, finall solved my issue with the Dislike component. In Dislike/ossn_com.php there is a spelling error on L19 and L134.

us Helen Lubar Replied 5 years ago

Ok, let me explain. When I would delete a post it would simply grey out and I would have to refresh the page to see the post gone. Then after disabling all third party components and putting them back, one by one I found the problem was gone until I enabled the Dislike component again. I repeated this many times. Recently I spotted it in the error log which pin pointed it. I also tested it before and after making the changes in the ossn_com.php. Now, if I undo the correction the problem is back again. Maybe you can tell me if I'm wrong.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

@Zetman, i believe She didn't provided much details but here is my guess:

She is talking about Dislike component from softlab24, She fixed a English typo, example:
In Dislike/ossn_com.php its said disklike instead of dislike (disk <-> dis...)

function disklike_init(){
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'disklike_init');

Doesn't make any difference in the functionality of component.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

What issue are you talking about?