How to manually modify or add blocks to the right sidebar?

Ed Bespyatkin Posted in General Discussion 5 years ago

My task is to insert a list of all blogs in the right sidebar (allblogsitem.php).
I understand that you need to change the code in the blog plugin. What function is responsible for the placement of blocks in the design of the cms?

Sorry if the question is not correct ...

us Rishi B Replied 5 years ago

It seems that you may not be familiar with the basics of how components work in Ossn as Z-Man said. It's rather easy to get all blogs, just look at the functions in components/Blog/classes/Blog.php. There are built in functions to get all blog posts site-wide as well a function to get all blog posts by user.

Russian Ed Bespyatkin Replied 5 years ago

I already understood and read the manuals. I will try to make my own plugin. Thanks for the advice.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

Looks like you didn't have a look at the example components I mentioned?

Please do so. And aside from that please study the complete Ossn documentation, as you will learn that Ossn is based on a modular concept. 'Modular' means that changing or adding functionality has to be achieved by creating your own new component (module) instead of altering anything existing.

So first of all: Don't touch the Blog component since the next update will overwrite all that you would have changed.

Next, create your own component and as a first exercise just apply that hook the way I said and a function of yours which will simply display a 'hello' on the right sidebar.

Russian Ed Bespyatkin Replied 5 years ago

In file
in lines

case 'all_blogs_by_date':
                        $blog = new Blog;
                        $blogs = $blog->getBlogsByDate();
                        $count = $blog->getBlogsByDate(array(
                            'count' => true
                        $title               = ossn_print('com:blog:blog:all');
                        $contents['content'] = ossn_plugin_view('blog/pages/all_blogs_by_date', array(
                            'blogs' => $blogs,
                            'count' => $count,
                            'page_header' => ossn_print('com:blog:list:sort:by:date:page:header')
                        $contents              = ossn_set_page_layout('newsfeed', $contents);
                        echo ossn_view_page($title, $content);

tried to apply

ossn_add_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:right", $contents);

Not work.

tried to output in the template (themes/goblue/plugins/default/theme/page/layout/newsfeed.php)
this file
Not work. Please, what am I doing wrong?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

Some so-called 'hooks' are responsible for what is going to be displayed on the right sidebar.
You may add your own hook like

ossn_add_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:right", 'YOUR-OWN-FUNCTION');

See OssnAds and HTMLSidebar components for examples.

Russian Ed Bespyatkin Replied 5 years ago

imageenter image description here