Suggestion for Upcoming release

Roman Lohov Posted in General Discussion 4 years ago

Edit Album option(Name)
Ability to change default group image(search_group.png)

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

if you group is public, groups posts will show public icon, if
private, it will show private icon

That's what I was talking about. Thank you. That's a good news.

I will not be grabbing github pieces. I rather wait for official release and see a Full Changelog.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

What i mean is it has been added to the next release which is not yet released.
Further the group privacy icon what i mean , the lock is perception (it doesn't change if you change group privacy). However we have also improved it now, if you group is public, groups posts will show public icon, if private, it will show private icon.

OSSN V5.3 is not released yet i am talking about development version

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

Wait, what Im I using? New version came out? I didn't even know. didn't see info about that.

privacy depends on group privacy.

But if group is public, why are posts private.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Edit album option is added to v5.3
Regarding group posts have that lock icon, that actually means the privacy depends on group privacy.

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

Also, If you create public Group, why is it when you post in there, the post is private?