Big composant seccond topbar

loic germain Posted in Component Development 4 years ago


I order a large component, your price will be mine

I want a second topbar which is displayed under the first topbar modifiable by css and that the links of the sidebar menu are in this new horizontal topbar in drop down menu. I also want that when I add a link that should have gone to the left sidebar go to this new topbar. Of course I want this topbarr to be modifiable at will.

This is what I want and I will know how to be patient. your price will be mine.

for example also I want that if a group is created that the name of this new group appears in this topbar on the right / same for blogs the pages all new links created by the user in case of group creations. thank you

thanks you

French Loic germain Replied 4 years ago
