Component that adds a topbar to the suite below the initial topbar

loic germain Posted in Component Development 4 years ago


I absolutely need a component that adds a topbar to the suite below the initial topbar as if it were a submenu for my social theme. it's really really important to me.

thank you

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

Sopose, its done the way you said. What you going to do with left sidebar? Delete it? Keep it with same links that's going to be on the top? Or have just a component links links on top? Or have links like footer does with build in pages? Without details of the whole idea, kinda difficult to execute.

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

Here you goenter image description here

us Roman Lohov Replied 4 years ago

You can do it by copying the initial topbar, and include it right underneath. You can place any links or make any menus you want but, it will require you to know basic html and css, or ability to know what to grab and where(that's how I roll). It will not be a component and all the links will have to be added via FTP theme. Easy to do? kinda. Headache to add links via ftp, yep. Is anybody going to do it for free? Nope.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Please contact softlab24 instead with detailed information.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

And that is: From now on you will open a new and same request every day ?!?