How to reorder components that show up in the the right side

Tiago Serodio Posted in Component Development 4 years ago

Hey all,

I have Latest Members and Latest friends, then RSS reed, and then OssnAds 3.0.
I'd like to reorder them, making members and friends last. How can this be done?

thanks in advance

Icelandic Tiago Serodio Replied 4 years ago

Ug … I did what you suggested but this component is not included in OSSN and not listed for download/install. Tried manually FTP'ing the folder to the server, but cannot see it in the components list. Tried zipping it and installing, says it is not valid package. Any way to bring it back without needing to rebuild?

Icelandic Tiago Serodio Replied 4 years ago

Thanks, I will try it

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

There is no easy way unless you install those component in the order you wanted. Or to edit the component files and set priorities