Login / register link on group pages

Mark Watson Posted in Performance and Scalability 4 years ago

I have members promoting their groups to other social networks. I am getting complaints that there is no login or register link on the group pages for guest users. I am having difficulty figuring out how to create one that will not be visible to logged in users. Right now there is no simple way for guests to find their way from the public group view to the main home/register screen.

au David Booth Replied 10 months ago

I am surprised that group pages are public. For my site it's a good thing.
But the links to group members being so easily navigable?
Visitors - non members - can pretty much browse the whole group tree. So a member can provide a link which will expose all the other group members to the world.
From ~/group/1/ I can go to /group/1/members and thence to any member, their friends, all of their timelines and photos.
Is there a way to manage group pages for non members?
Or turn off the whole public view of groups?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

It may be that I am a little old school ... but before I register anywhere, I first read the terms and conditions. And since these are usually found at the bottom of the page, I'd scroll down and would find the Ossn homepage link quite simply this way.
enter image description here

us Mark Watson Replied 4 years ago

Nevermind. I just added a home icon to profile.php.