Custom values - getting and setting

Kevin B Posted in Component Development 3 years ago

Hi guys

Rather than spending hours dissecting components, wondered if anybody would have time to explain in the simplest of terms how to do the following? Once I have the basic framework I can expand upon it myself :)

  1. Set a value on my admin page (lets says its just a check box / boolean)
  2. Save that value.
  3. Retrieve that value in a form.

I really appreciate the help guys, the WebChat component is coming along really nicely :)

gb Kevin B Replied 3 years ago

That was a brilliant example thanks. I've got the settings working now and can save the API key :D

I'll have to look through for how to retrieve the values at client side, but sure its fairly simple.

gb Kevin B Replied 3 years ago

Excellent thank you. That's just what I needed.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

I'd suggest to have a look into the ReadMore component,
which is (except of the css and javascript part) a bare skeleton of settings, only.