Ziraell . Posted in Technical Support 2 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with the installation.
I have everything installed, but there is one error.
Despite the fact that I have this module installed on VPS, it still does not work.
I have also looked at similar topics here, but they did not help.
I also have PHP 8.0 and Ubuntu 20.04.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

You clearly not followed the automated installation for ubuntu and setting 777 to data directory you are opening the security vulnerability for your website. Too many redirects that means you have tried to do something else with your installation.

Simply use the installer without editing any files or touching any services. Once done simply follow the steps in UI.

Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

I used the command and managed to get rid of the message:
chmod -R 777 /var/www/ossn_data
But when I complete the data and give it further it brings up the message:


Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

Well I used the command:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
and it fixed my permissions problem. After typing https://, it no longer shows me errors regarding those permissions.
And that first error with MOD_REWRITE remains. I bypassed it, but another error appeared:
"Invalid data directory or directory is not writeable."
What should I do?

Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

I used this tool and it showed me the problem:
Permission problem found!
The owner of /var/www/html is: root - please change to: www-data
How can I solve it?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago
Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

I uploaded the files to /var/www/html, but the installation still won't start. All the time error with permissions.

Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

I have used these commands, but the question is, where do I upload the files again now?

Polish Ziraell . Replied 2 years ago

It worked, but now this error has popped up: "Invalid data directory or directory is not writeable."
I know it is about entitlements. How do I set them up so that everything is secure?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Then mod rewrite is working there is other problem that has been addressed in next version but you can bypass this step now as it shows 1, change ?page=settings to see the settings page instead of checklist.