No spaces between comment like and shared link

Michael Brault Posted in General Discussion 2 years ago

There are no spaces between the comment, like, and share post, on the posts of my site in both the news feed and the users' pages. where do I find the files/pages and line numbers that would allow me to add ( ) between the links? Thank You to anyone that can help :)

Polish Rafau Rocher Replied 2 years ago
Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 2 years ago

Which theme is this? I don't see any issue with any like this. We will wait for your detailed report.
Please also share your website URL.

us Michael Brault Replied 2 years ago

Thanks for the responce. This is what it is doing. I'll report it as a bug-error-issue

enter image description here

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

There's no such issue with Ossn's default Goblue theme.
Just verified on the demo site:
enter image description here

So please follow the steps provided in