I'm happy to pay $50 for it.

Tamás Varga Posted in Component Development 2 years ago

I would pay $50 for a website recommender modeled after Adsinserter. Have a preview image, a short, few-line excerpt from the article. You can also comment on the recommendation. Admin can create a list that randomly appears to users even if only friends are set to post. Can it be solved?

ng Bubu Ambush Replied 1 year ago

@Tamas varga, I actually didn't understand you get clearly, could you explain further?

Hungarian Tamás Varga Replied 2 years ago

enter image description here

Something like that is my idea.

Polish Sam Therman Replied 2 years ago

Hmm ... commenting a recommendation which appears only randomly sounds
a little strange to me ... ;)

A little bit :D

Chill out https://filmyonline.eu/filmy-online/

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Hmm ... commenting a recommendation which appears only randomly sounds a little strange to me ... ;)