How do I make content changes to PHP Pages (Welcome, Home, etc)?

Andrew Stuckey Posted in General Discussion 2 weeks ago

Hate to ask this question, but I've done an extensive search of OSSN files and mysql tables and cannot find a listing of "page" posts and their source content. I would see this as the easiest way to effect content changes (not style).

For example, the GanderBubble ( site I'm currently building in Premium has GanderBubble at the top of each page (an alternative reference for the href page link). I can see the reference in a Source tool provided with several browsers, but can't find any place where I might change it. I would prefer it to read "It's Better in the Bubble."

Not full experienced as a developer but slowly getting there.

Thoughts, anyone?

Dutch Eric redegeld Replied 1 week ago

Is this not driven from the current theme. And based on the site title. So change titel this changed to. I think you have to look in the the go blue theme to change format/color etc