Seeing Duplicate requests with autopagination

Waqas Javed Posted in General Discussion 4 weeks ago

My site was feeling slow and when i checked my network tab i noticed duplicate requests being made when i scroll down to autopagion. Anyone have any idea what could be the reason.


pk Waqas Javed Replied 3 weeks ago

Hi michael.
Yes i haven't started working on it.
I'll definitely start next week and surely share feedbacks here in community.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 weeks ago

One week has passed: no difference - you did not remove that broken script as suggested.

Can we still expect any feedback from your side? If not, I'll ask Arsalan to close this topic because it's of no relevance for this community.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 weeks ago

Also i see many other errors :)


German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 weeks ago

Eh ... sorry, but what kind of help are you expecting?
I mean: Osnn does not throw this error out of the box - YOU were the one to apply those logs and whatever else to the script. So YOU need to know where to remove that stuff.
If not then disable all extra components or maybe re-install Ossn if you changed the core.

pk Waqas Javed Replied 4 weeks ago

Thank you Michael for your input. That's right and i am definitely starting from these errors in console.
Thanks again and any further help is much appreciated

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 weeks ago

enter image description here

That's what we get right on visiting your landing page!
It does not make much sense to investigate your XHR issues as long as your javascript is basically faulty.
So please fix that first.

pk Waqas Javed Replied 4 weeks ago

Hahahah. Sorry sorry..
Here is link and creds too..

Email: [email protected]
Password: Adaswdawd65

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 weeks ago

I visited and doesn't have any issue.Do you have different site?

pk Waqas Javed Replied 4 weeks ago

enter image description here