How do you add a menu button to the left side bar that opens?

jay jay Posted in Beginning Developers 7 years ago

When you open the left side bar it shows your profile pic then links like friends / photos/ news feed..

Where do i go to add more links to that side bar or rearrange the existing ones? what file?

ng Moneya Replied 7 years ago

Jay Jay if i am free i will help you with that.

Afrikaans Jay jay Replied 7 years ago

i installed it... but i dont see how this answers my question.. all this did was install a blog option... i dont want a blog... i asked how do i add a new button in the main menu that points to an external link like a store? now i have 2 blog buttons i dont need or want...

Afrikaans Jay jay Replied 7 years ago

thanks, but i dont know how to develop there a tuturial or someplace to start... i dont even know how to install the new component you just recommended... howdo i add it?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 7 years ago

Add the Blog component ( your community.

You'll notice that this component is adding 2 new entries to the sections menu. The code responsible for that can be found in starting at line 31.

Developing your own component for doing things like that is the recommended way. Don't change any core files.

Afrikaans Jay jay Replied 7 years ago

to be more clear, i want to add a new button to the menu items that leads outside the site... outside the social network... I dont want to add a new component, just new links in that same menu...