Birthdate picker offers limited choices

Angie Harrison Posted in Technical Support 7 years ago

When testing the Birthdate picker the listed choice is from 1907 to 1999 ?
What file should I be looking at to correct this?
I would want 1950 to 2017.
thank you

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 7 years ago

In fact the 18 Years component IS restricting the latest year you can choose like:

current year - 18 = latest year

and currently this means

2017 - 18 = 1999

But that's what is was meant for. :)

Afrikaans Angie Harrison Replied 7 years ago

In the last few moments I solved it. I didn't need to edit this file : components/OssnProfile/plugins/default/js/OssnProfile.php
I disabled the component that requires you to be 18yrs old to sign up and that fixed it.
Thank you Zet Man for being there.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 7 years ago

Please provide the url of your site and install the System Info component from