OSSN is running very slow on my website

Dennis Lamers Posted in Technical Support 5 years ago

Hey all,

So I was looking around the website installer of Byethost and saw an alternative next to Elgg, the Opensource Social Network. I was immediately impressed by the soft and basic system look of OSSN. So I tried this out but then the first problems started with Byethost not installing OSSN.

I had to install it manually, placing all the files into the FTP. So a hour later the website was up and running but it has come to my attention that every page / action takes ten seconds to load. Then after a little time, the website is frozen by this error:

> This site/page has used all avaialble php / apache processes allowed on free hosting account.

> Refreshing the page once the amount of apache / php processes are reduced will cause the site to work

> We would recommend upgrading your hosting account at IFastNet Premium hosting accounts , premium hosting accounts have MUCH higher resources dedicated to them.

I know that upgrading will fix the problem but why is the website using so much data to proceed and work?


us Rishi B Replied 5 years ago

If you want to run OSSN on a windows server, you should definitely be using a dedicated server, not VPS, due to all the extra running processes like Arsalan mentioned. If you have a dedicated windows server, it's quite simple to run the Ossn virtual machine image using vmware or virtualbox, and quite fast as well. https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/download-vm-image

Dutch Dennis Lamers Replied 5 years ago

Actually Windows VPS need a memory , storage for its OS, there are
hundred of other processes running on Windows VPS that OSSN didn't
need, you should look for clean linux VPS, which is cheaper than
windows, make sure your VPS should have 1GB ram and with no additional
panels like cpanel, etc.

I have 16GB of RAM on my Windows VPS, quad core processor with 1TB SSD. I have ran plenty of servers on it for games. The website works fast, had no problems at all. I am not very well known with the Linux VPS.

Can I submit ideas for the OSSN basic version? I kinda miss two things and little things.
Big things:
- Create a page like Facebook pages
- A second theme where the menu is frozen at the left of the website, like Facebook

Little things:
- Having a profile picture for groups
- A option to turn off "email activation", so people can login.


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

Actually Windows VPS need a memory , storage for its OS, there are hundred of other processes running on Windows VPS that OSSN didn't need, you should look for clean linux VPS, which is cheaper than windows, make sure your VPS should have 1GB ram and with no additional panels like cpanel, etc.

Dutch Dennis Lamers Replied 5 years ago

I have already started with hosting OSSN on my Windows VPS. Lots of storage, memory and CPU. You know what is strange? Byethost offers OSSN in their "App installer", but it eats up all the traffic. I don't even know why they put such a heavy socialnetwork app in their install store.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

Well the picture shows total space is 49MB , and used 49 MB, i think running a social network is not a Joke , 49MB seriously?

You need to run a social network on a good server not a shared hosting, try a arvixe/VPS for this. https://demo.opensource-socialnetwork.org/ is running on 512MB server and it is working faster , not taking 10 seconds to load , it have alot of demo data from demo users.

Dutch Dennis Lamers Replied 5 years ago

Could you please provide the exact amount (k/mbytes) you're talking about?

Well, the website acted like it was processing an amount of data. Today I saw that the website has been temporarily suspended for eating up all the CPU.

It seems like I gotta remove the OSSN website now, really sad. I was using the latest version (5.0) basic.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

so much data....

Could you please provide the exact amount (k/mbytes) you're talking about?