We really really need a component that watches for updates of other installed components

bryce alvord Posted in Component Development 4 years ago

I have been thinking lately that we really need a component or something to watch/scrape the components page looking for changes to the available download versions of our other installed components. I would be willing to contribute some help if we could get some help from the OSSN team of maybe an API endpoint returning components from the all components list and any metadata about each component. The true bummer I think is that the true component name from the xml isn't actually stored on the component page anywhere but maybe we could backfill this info.

I just say this because my MentionUsers component has seen lots of updates over the course of the last two weeks not because I'm sloppy but because I'm learning and very responsive to bugs. So if someone was an infrequent visitor they might have grabbed v1.2 and I'm now at 1.9


us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago
us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago

I have been working on an alpha version I will call it of this component and everything works great but since it involves UI, I want to make sure it looks really clean and integrated before I release any screenshots. I think I am close though.

us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago

Z-Man, Do you know how long it would take to integrate into the core just as a wild guess? I agree fully with you that the better implementation is to do it with core but if it will be a long time, I could provide people with some kind of interim solution until core has the better implementation of it.

If you guys wanted I could even provide you with what I have right now as a head start if you wanted to see what I have done. Maybe it would be usable, maybe not.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

As I said, personally I'd prefer are more integrated solution and would glue stuff together that belongs together. But basically I can't see any reason for not implementing this feature separately. This is definitely a good start.

us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago

I am thinking I will add a new page to the Components menu of admin called Updates and when you go to this page that would be when it fires off the API call and does the comparison and populates a list of components ready for updates with links to the page so you can go download them. Unless there are people that oppose, I will proceed with that plan.

us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago

Sweet i will work on a prototype.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

null fixed (it was not supposed to show themes and language packs) but due to wrong condition it was showing those.

us Bryce alvord Replied 4 years ago

Here is a language pack

"com_id": null,
"latest_version": null,
"time_updated": "1571224647",
"works_on_latest_version": "notset",
"url": "https:\/\/www.opensource-socialnetwork.org\/component\/view\/3648\/日本語-japanese"

Here is a theme

"com_id": null,
"latest_version": null,
"time_updated": "1572716500",
"works_on_latest_version": "yes",
"url": "https:\/\/www.opensource-socialnetwork.org\/component\/view\/3689\/goblue-more-hooks"
Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

works_on_latest_version is now provided. You can add com id when you add new component here or edit.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Language packs don't have com ids. Can you point out the url of those ? seems they are placed in wrong categories.