Auto login after registration

Apple vCTo Posted in General Discussion 4 years ago

Hi, how to login automatically after registration, so that users can go homepage as soon as they register

Breton William Silva Replied 4 years ago

Olá, ~ Z ~ Man!

After the profile is created, I need to create
multiple profile again without leaving the system ....
My network is Pets.

Pet profile 1 owner name xx
This Pet Profile 1 will be able to create more Pets Profile from the same owner xx.
Would this component work?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

You may try
as is
or use it as a template for your own component because autologin is already included

Breton William Silva Replied 4 years ago

Apple vCTo

you can pass me like you once your registration ..I need to do the same

gb Implant center Replied 4 years ago

You should see the register action file and JS file
like in ایمپلنت

Afrikaans Apple vCTo Replied 4 years ago

All the files that I've worked for auto login after registration with custom fields, are as follows as:

signup.php =>
OssnUser.php => ,
register.php => ,

Please teach me the way to do this.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Please don't modify core classes at least, which JS field did you modified?

Afrikaans Apple vCTo Replied 4 years ago

I've customized register action file, OssnUser.php, signup.php accordingly.
Now problem is to login in back.
You can check the disabled codes that duplicated from login action file
Please give me a reply asap.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

You need to see the register action file and JS file that handles signup form.