Change from PayPal to Stripe

Gordon S. Posted in Technical Support 3 years ago

I presently have my site set up to allow members to pay their fee using PayPal. How difficult would it be to change that from PayPal to using Stripe instead?

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

@Gordon S.
You shouldn't need to -- the API Keys are only used with their respective APIs. Meaning that the Paypal keys will not be used with Stripe, and Stripe keys won't be used with Paypal. All of the settings are stored in the database associated with OSSN; meaning that it's just an entry. Personally, I would leave them, because if you choose to switch it over / back to paypal for some reason (like, something happens to your stripe account, it goes down for some reason, etc.) it'll be there and readily available. And, it staying there doesn't hurt anything.

Catalan Gordon S. Replied 3 years ago

I have now registered with Stripe and added their API keys. I notice in my Configure, that even though I have selected Stripe, my PayPal API keys are still in place as well. Should I delete the PayPal, or is it not going to interfere with the Stripe operation? Also trying to figure out how to get the major credit card images on that Paid Access page.

Catalan Gordon S. Replied 3 years ago

Thanks Arsalan; truly appreciated.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

Signup for stripe and in your administrator panel -> configure -> Paid access change it as you need.